Monday, February 29, 2016

Banned: E and S

Write a poem of at least 12 lines without using the letter "e." Then write a brief commentary on the process of writing the pom (without using the letter "s").

Without all 26 symbols 
Of our crucial vocabulary
What would the country do
But fall into chaos?
How would humans
Allay our burning curiosity?
Display our consuming passions?
To write and to talk
Functions as conduits for our minds
Taking away just two 
Of our significant marks
Would draw harsh scars
Across our spiritual souls

Writing a poem for the problem turned out to be extremely difficult. I had anticipated that it would be annoying but not nearly to that degree. I approached it in an uncomplicated manner. I wrote what came to mind and either reworded or went in a different direction whenever the letter "e" came up. I tried to keep everything within one theme rather than it all be unrelated. All in all, the challenge was pretty fun to tackle.


  1. This is really good! I can barely even write poems, let alone poems without the letter "e." It's kind of weird, I barely notice that the letter "e" was missing, but I know it was really annoying and tedious for you to write it that way (I've used the letter "e" so much just writing this comment). Anyway, the poem was really good; I liked a lot of your word choices and how much of the poem was made up of questions.

  2. I think the poem turned out well, and the commentary is excellent! You manage the commentary with out using "s," and yet it sounds quite natural and your ideas are clear.

  3. I really like this poem! It sounds effortless--like you didn't even need to think about it, even though your commentary says otherwise. Great job!

  4. I agree that the poem sounds natural, which is interesting in context of the subject of the poem. You say the letter is important but then make a good poem without it. Good work!

  5. Wow Joon you made it look easy! I like all of the alliteration/pretty sounds and the uncertainty. It seems that everyone wrote with a theme of control but I like that yours used it more explicitly with the ?s. This whole thing has apocalyptic vibes and (unrelated?) reminded me of sitting for a physics quiz - maybe "conduit"? the brevity of understanding? who knows.
    I like it, good work!
